Hey, Fat Ass! : A Guy's Guide To Losing Weight & Getting Right

Bok av John Manrique
I am an ass. For many years I was a "fat ass," though in early 2009, I started doing things and making changes to get the "fat" out. A few marathons and three years later I'm down seventy pounds, keeping it off, and people ask, "How did you do it?" like I found the cure for cancer or something. Hardly, and that's what inspired me to share the story of my journey so far because if I can do it you absolutely can too. All you need is YOU with a little bit of knowledge and common sense sprinkled in - there aren't any special tricks or potions required. That's the message, support and empowerment Hey, Fat Ass! provides: this is your life and these are your choices. You can make it happen, and hopefully the real world experiences, suggestions and meal ideas you'll find in this guide will start you on the way to where you want to be.