Thou Art a Woman & Other Poems

Bok av Karen Ethelsdattar
Here are poems that wrestle with angels, that ask Who is holy, What is sacred?These are womens poems that speak also to men. Poems that honor friend and family and lover. Poems that honor both God and Goddess, as well as the human creature, the beauty of nature, the precious small gifts and actions of everyday life. Poems that honor other artists. Poems that cry out the insanity of war and speak for peace: inner peace, peace between you & me, peace among nations.Plaudits for Ethelsdattars first book, Earthwalking & other poems, Xlibris.Thank you for your most amazing and beautiful poem, Earthwalking.Thank you for receiving and writing it, and for sending it to me. The gift of receiving words for my own half-conscious experience. Your book of poems is absolutely exquisite, a joy to read, a pleasure for the soul and the senses. I cannot thank you enough for sending it to me. I have enjoyed sharing it among my friends, and they thank you, too. Joanna Macy, author of World as Lover, World as SelfThanks so much for Earthwalking. I love the poems and their spirits. The work is an inspiration to me. Shaun McNiff, author of Earth Angels