Man, a Mule and a Gun

Bok av Ben A. Watford
Jumo Gumasaka was very young when he was captured and shipped to the Americasin a slave ship. He was a slave until the coming of the war between the North andthe South. During the War Between the States he served in the First Regiment ofSouth Carolina Volunteers. It was during the war that Jumo become a marksman withthe long gun. After the war he returns to his old plantation only to fi nd that it has beenburned to the ground and all the people that he has known are either dead or gone. In the years following the Civil war this ex-slave obtains a colt revolver. With thishandgun he leaves the South and heads west. He travels with his friend and travelingcompanion a mule that he calls Nellie. He fi nds that he has natural ability with thefast draw and is extremely accurate when shooting the six-shooter. His gun becomesan extension of his arm and his uncanny ability with the gun leads to the demise ofmany opponents. He spends time with the plains Indians and becomes a renownedwarrior. He becomes a legend among Plains Indians in their quest for justice. Hecontinues west fi nding that many individuals would like to kill him because he is ablack man with a gun. During his travels west he is called by many different names,Eagle Eye, the name given to him by the Plains Indians is the one that he fi nallyaccepts. His many encounters with would be killers in his travels westward lead tomany interesting adventures.