Communicate with Confidence

Bok av David Khalil
It's commonly understood that only 7 to 11 percent of your communication is actually delivered by the words you choose to say. The Confident book looks at what you say (the text), which is clearly vital for communication to happen, but also the remaining 90 percent of communication that includes, the atmosphere (context), what you do whilst you are saying it (motion & body language) and your presence (confidence or personal persona), which all have a really dramatic effect on the message that the other person receives. The method of delivery employs an exclusively simple to learn and practical communication tool called 'The Communication Quadrant'. The quadrant includes 4 main elements: Language, Atmosphere, Motion and Presence, which is a holistic approach to bridge the difference between content and context. Words and sentence construction is ideally known as content, while how you say them, what goes on around when you say them and what you do while you say them is context.