Expectation : The most razor-sharp and heartbreaking novel of the year

Bok av Anna Hope
5 röster
Penguin presents the audiobook edition of Expectation by Anna Hope, read by Vinette Robinson.Hannah, Cate and Lissa are young, vibrant and inseparable. Living on the edge of a common in East London, their shared world is ablaze with art and activism, romance and revelry - and the promise of everything to come. They are electric. They are the best of friends.Ten years on, they are not where they hoped to be. Amidst flailing careers and faltering marriages, each hungers for what the others have. And each wrestles with the same question: what does it take to lead a meaningful life? EXPECTATION is a novel of the highs and lows of friendship - how it can dip, dive and rise again. It is also about finding your way: as a mother, a daughter, a wife, a rebel. Most of all, it explores that liminal space between expectation and reality, the place - full of dreams, desires and pain - in which we all live our lives.
Välj utgåva
FörväntanSvenska - Pocket
ISBN: 9789188979001
ExpectationEngelska - Pocket
ISBN: 9780857524911
FörväntanSvenska - Pocket
ISBN: 9789188979025
FörväntanSvenska - E-bok
ISBN: 9789188979018
ExpectationEngelska - Pocket
ISBN: 9780062956071
Expectation: A NovelLjudbok
ISBN: 9780062956095
Expectation : A NovelEngelska - E-bok
ISBN: 9780062956088
ExpectationEngelska - Inbunden
ISBN: 9780062994707
Den var till och från ytlig och lite klyschig men den växte. I slutändan grät jag. Över lång vänskap, olika livsval och det ofrånkomliga slutet. En fin bok som jag tyckte om att läsa men som inte lämnar så djupa spår.