Living with HIV : A Patient's Guide

Bok av Rn Mark Cichocki Cichocki
Living with HIV: A Patient's Guide, Second Edition builds on the success of the first edition by updating and adding critical information that will help the newly diagnosed adjust to their illness and the long-term survivor improve their life and supplement their foundation of HIV knowledge. In addition, new and useful topics have been added including the most complete medication information for even the latest medications to hit the market. The book discusses the growing practice of using HIV medication as a prevention method; PrEP as it is commonly called. Finally, there is essential information needed by those people living with HIV that use the wealth of information on the Internet to help them live a longer, healthier life. The second edition is written in an easy to understand, clear-cut style that makes it easy for anyone; from the long-term patient to the newly infected; to understand what it takes to live a healthy life with HIV.