Goon : Memoir of a Minor League Hockey Enforcer

Bok av Doug Smith och Adam Frattasio
Driven with a burning desire to make something of himself, Doug Smith calls upon his only marketable skills-those honed as an amateur boxer-and despite not learning to skate until the age of 19, punches his way into the world of professional hockey. Join Doug "The Thug" Smith during his unlikely journey as a minor-league hockey enforcer, the most unique and peculiar job in all of sport, as he takes on all comers to protect his teammates from opposing tough guys, wins a championship ring, and climbs to the second-best hockey league in the world. Smith, the directionless, wayward wanderer, desperately searching, defeats impossible odds to succeed in the riotous world minor-league hockey, which lends a measure of purpose and meaning to his life. And while the enforcer role is currently being removed from the game of hockey, underdog stories never go out of style, and the best ones get made into Hollywood movies. Literally fighting to become more than a common street ruffian, Smith transforms himself into a respected and productive member of his community, and the subject of a cult-classic motion picture.