Odyssey : Hiking the Bruce Trail

Bok av Lorraine McLennan
Although underfoot was sloppy andslippery, we were careful to watch wherewe stepped. Once again, the scenerycaught us off guard.Beyond the well-traveled roads of thearea is the history of an era in its quietrepose. The very first Welland Canalwas part of that scene, hidden by brushand overgrowth and quietly remindingone of a much earlier time. Huge rockscut from the local rock to form thewalls of the canal were amazing. Stoneoverpasses beginning to break away andan old steel bridge standing silent in anow wasteland is a monument to aprevious era..As we continued, a jolt brought usback to the present, as we exitedout of the woods to a path whichskirted a beautiful, lush, green golfcourse. Todays world rejoined!