He's the Man I Told You about : The Story of a Man Who Brought a Knife to a Gunfight

Bok av Leonard Marks
This Is It, Folks...The 8th and final volume in the always exciting but sometimes unbelievable career of John Davis aka Arthur Wilson aka Riley Saunders aka Bill Parsons aka Jim Tucker aka Carl Harris aka Tom Cross. And also in the lives of the important woman he has known, all but one of them prostitutes to be sure and not a one with a heart of gold. Will he survive to the end of this book and the series itself? In a land where everyone carries a gun - or more than one - where true heroes are excellent horseback riders and where the ability to win a fist fight is the true measure of a man? It's a close call and you'll have to read to the very end. He hasn't got much in his favor other than an uncommon ability with a knife. But so far - at least - that appears to have been enough. Let's see how he does this time.