The Fish and the Loaves

Bok av Evalina Mason
Evalina Mason invites you to visit Penmouth on the Cornish coast. In this apparently quiet little village not only will you find strange happenings in the churchyard, you will also find that someone really does have a skeleton in their closet. Here, sea shanties as well as hymns are sometimes sung in the local church. A pint of bitters warmly awaits you at The Grey Hare along with a generous platter of bangers and mash. Visitors, along with eccentric residents, enjoy walking the stone path labyrinth that sits just up the way on a promontory overlooking the English Channel. Quiet little villages often only appear that way on the surface. Lying slightly below the facade, one might find something quite different. Penmouth is one of those villages. Make yourself a cup of tea. Kick off your shoes. Wrap yourself in something warm, and tuck the cat beside you to slip away to another venue. It is the author's fondest hope that when you return, you'll be feeling refreshed and renewed. Perhaps you'll even wish for another visit... Robert's pleasant, routine and predictable retirement days are totally shattered when his recently widowed, highly-organized sister, Priscilla, comes to stay with him while her home is being reroofed. Expecting it to be a short and intense visit, he braces himself for the invasion. True to form, she leaves no part of his formerly serene world untouched. Even his socks fall under her scrutiny. Telling himself that her visit won't last forever, he frequently commiserates with an old friend over a pint of bitters in the local pub. Understanding that she's in grief and seeing that she's not the spring chicken that she was a few years ago, he slips into the legion of long-suffering males. A spiritual man more by action than by word, he finds his tolerance further tested when she tells him that the roofing project will take longer than originally expected. To create a bit of distance from her, Robert often assists the local vicar wi