Inclusive VERITAS and Justice : Digging the Reparative Opportunity for Violent & Non-violent Offenders

Bok av Richard Walker MS Cadc Icadc
More than 500,000 offenders are released from prison each year. Where will they live, work, and contribute to society if ineffective measures continue to hinder their successful community reintegration? Inclusive VERTITAS and Justice is a must read that educates criminologists, politicians, vocational specialists, parole and probation officers, students, and citizens interested in fresh ideas for including ex-offenders back into society. Readers will recognize and support alternative sanctions and practices which have demonstrated reduced criminal behavior. Furthermore, knowledge will be obtained after the realization that mass incarceration of non-violent and violent offenders results in elevated recidivism rates, increased taxes for correctional costs, an increase in parolee mental health symptoms, and continuous jail and prison overcrowding. Criminologists can utilize Inclusive VERITAS as a teaching enhancement in the classroom for criminal justice and sociology course. Furthermore, the information in Inclusive VERITAS can be used to enrich the quality of research on restorative justice, penology, and alternative programming for offender literature. Politicians may seek information on new approaches and find that Inclusive VERITAS provides solutions to prison overcrowding, recidivism, and high unemployment for parolees and probationers. Prison wardens will be more proactive in ensuring that appropriate and timely screenings and risk assessments are provided for vocational, drug counseling, and mental health treatment .Probation officers will use Inclusive VERITAS as a guide to alternative activities for successful reintegration of probationers.