It's Time to Dump the Junk in Your Trunk! Your Journey Into Deep Healing

Bok av Everett Robinson A Brother In Recovery
This workbook takes each reader through a Powerful Healing Process as they travel on a Fascinating Recovery Journey. It teaches you how and why your personality sabotages your walk with Jesus and your personal relationships. Life can be an exciting adventure when placed in the hands of a loving God that truly cares and desires to heal your innermost hurts and pain. Take the challenge, "work the book" and see how God's truths can change your life. Personalized sharing by the author, entertaining illustrations, informative charts and graphs, and stimulating activities make this a must read. A highly rewarding learning experience based on God's truths also make it an excellent bible study. This workbook is filled with 18 powerful learner testimonies, 35 personalized prayer activities, 65 healing truths and fun new concepts such as: "Plugging-In", "Your Flesh Is Not Your Friend", "Fuzzy Little Treasures", "Video Vaults" and "Chunky Monkeys" that will hold your interest. Healing, wholeness, and genuine spiritual health are what this book is all about. God taking you from where you are, in all your hurt and pain, to become the loving person He created you to be. This Deep Healing Journey is designed to be used by individuals, small groups and/or personal growth classes. It is the perfect support tool for small churches that need something that will assist them in addressing key areas of healing such as: shame, grief, regret, depression, anger, recovery from abuse, bitterness, self-hatred and self-destructive behavior patterns that many church members struggle with in today's world.