Thou Shalt NOT Be Full Time Parents : Danger of Loving Your Kids More than Each Other

Bok av T Charles Brantley Phd
Always full time full-time lovers never full time full-time parents. This statement must rain in your head like crazy. You can't fall into the trap of being full- time parents. You have to stay the course and fight that spirit that says you must give all to the child. You must remain full time full-time lovers. You have to fight it. You have to make it a priority to be full time full-time lovers. I know the child needs you, but your husband or wife needs you more. Yes, I said it. We can admit that we will never hold down the lover part consistently, and now and then put being the parent into the mix. Usually, what takes priority is being a full-time parent. If you want to be GREAT parents be an abnormal couple in love. Go against the flow of loving your kids more than each other.