Murder in Hindsight

Bok av Anne Cleeland
Chief Inspector Acton and Detective SergeantKathleen Doyle know firsthand how the administration of justice can oftenfollow a labyrinthine path. As they pursue a self-appointed judge, jury, andexecutioner, Acton's own questionable methods may prove his undoing.The notoriety of being married to the enigmaticallybrilliant Lord Acton presents its own challenges as newly promoted DetectiveSergeant Doyle contends with a series of homicides that seem to point to avigilante killer. The victims are all criminals who eluded justiceuntil theyran afoul of an avenger whose modus operandi is a bullet to the back of thehead. The key to the vigilante's identity lies in connecting the cold cases andsearching for an event that may have triggered retribution after all theseyearsa daunting task.Meanwhile, Doyle finds herself shadowed by amysterious figure. After the man steps forward to rescue her from harm, shewonders why he is invested in protecting her. But when she learns he's incontact with Acton's nemesis, she fears she's being used in a plot against herhusband, whose personal code of justice has the potential to put his reputationandhis lifeat risk.For his own part, Acton must outmaneuver anunscrupulous reporter being fed information from someone within the ranks ofScotland Yard. The stakes are high, and both Doyle and Acton must workindependently to outwit the players before their lives are brought crashingdown like a house of cards.