Venus and Crepuscule : Beauty and Violence on Me Thrown

Bok av Nithin Purple
Silently the poet revenges a prideful society as he puts his rhyme one after one onto the paper, blood drips from his pen when he writes with an extremely agitated mind. Nothing makes him happy except his solitary state. He travels at times when he gets opportunity to collect beauty surrounded by the kind nature. Curiosity sparks from his brain to research and lights the lamps of visions. When the bitter world ignored him, the very sadness captured his mind. Then darkness and dread visions followed him. Each poem he composes begins to live in its own truth as they have the flavors of his extremely experienced incidents of life. By blending his mind's conceived elements of both charm and gloom, the poet delivers to the world his fine lyrical work. He details, with notes below every poem, the cause of its invention.