New Testament of the New American Standard Audio Bible

Bok av Made For Success
The New American Standard Bible is one of the most accuratetranslations of the scriptures. In the New Testament gospels you will discoverthe virgin birth, ministry, crucifixion, and bodily resurrection of the LordJesus Christ written from four different yet perfectly harmonized vantagepoints. Historical and life altering Biblical truths are proclaimed from thebirth of the early church to the spread of the Gospel through Paul, Peter, John,and others in the epistles. Best of all, the New Testament ends with vividprophetic detail of the bodily return of Christ Jesus as he takes his rightfulplace as Lord of all creation.Let professional voice artist Dale McConachie, narrator of over onehundred audio books, take you on a journey through God's Word, where you willdiscover what God is looking for in his followers' lives as they face varioustests in life. Dale's goal in this recording was to make a simple but reverentaudio copy of God's Word that you can take with you everywhere you go: whileyou commute, in the kitchen, or at the gym. You can easily access the NewTestament at any time.