Hot Fudge Sundaes For Breakfast : With One Reason Not to Hurl Myself Off of the Roof of an Atlantic City Casino Parking Garage

Bok av Kevin McConaghy
This book depicts only fictional people, places, and things. Any similarities between anything written on the pages of this book and any actual event that may have occurred since that moment when the first human indirectly crawled out of the ocean to proclaim him or herself the first King of Earth and began subjugating the "others," is 100% coincidental. Furthermore, if you honestly believe that anything in this book is about you, then you are likely suffering from some form of schizophrenic or narcissistic personality disorder and need "help." But for the sake of argument, I'll play along with your delusional vanity. Let's say that this book is 100% about you, like everything else in your self-deluding mind. So what! In a little 100 years, no one will remember that you ever existed! So stop whining about everything! All you do is whine about everything, and feel sorry for yourself!