The Air I Breathe

Bok av Anne a Koltes
Have you ever felt as though you don't even deserve to breathe the air that has been provided? The author has felt this way for most of her life and is now beginning to heal through the truths outlined in this book. Inside this book you will find healthy nuggets to begin your healing, one small step at a time. Change can be hard for some and it may feel uncomfortable at first, though once you start grasping the healthy and helpful tips in this book, with God's help you can be set free! You are loved. You are valued. You are deserving of each breath given as God has given them just for you. So, take a deep breath And Breathe! ANNE A. KOLTES is a wife to a loving husband, a mother of seven grown children and a grandmother of eight. Her second dream was to attend University and achieve her teaching degree, which she completed and taught high school students for over thirteen years. As she enters into a new season in her life, God has led her to author these words with the hope of touching many lives in a positive way. There is peace in the midst of the storms of life. May you find this peace along your road to healing.