The Test : If There Was No Sex, How Would the Relationship Between Guys and Girls Change?

Bok av Luca Grisendi
Hello, my name is Luke. Honestly, I never thought of writing a book. At school I wasn't a nerd and some Italian was not my favorite subject. At that time I had many other things on my mind, as I think a bit 'all the boys and girls attending high school. However, over time I've heard instilled in me the need to express what was inside. The result is a book that I think is original in its kind. The initial question ("How would the relationship between guys and girls change if there were no sex?") Is a provocation to which I have tried to answer through the story told below. What happens to the protagonist Luke and his friends is far from obvious, as you have the opportunity to read. I wrote this book because I want the experiences narrated in the story can actually materialize in my life. In the end it would be nice if you could put on paper what you want and after a short time, get it? Not satisfied with their relational situation with girls, the guys form a high school lead by Luke decide to start an audacious Test inside their high school in order to answer the question: "If there was now sex, how would the relationship between guys and girls change?" For the entire period of 30 days, all guys from the high school will radically change their attitude creating the craziest experiment ever seen before in a high school! Trough difficulties, pleasure, fun moments and personal growth, Luke and his friends will finally discover the taste of payback. Started as a pure provocation and action of bravery, the Test pushes the guys to face their own fears and their deep desires, making them realize that their real potential lies inside themselves, waiting to boom. The process becomes a source of pure inspiration and pleasure, offering new life to the main character Luke and to his fellows after having their lives consciously in their hands. Teens of the guys is not only superficial but also a journey heading to a new self consciousness and new way of life where the word limit becomes senseless. At this point girls become an inspiration for Luke to fuel his personal change which he needed for so long. Each day turns out as a rich search of breath-taking adventures before it's too late and regret prevails. The end will be another shocking starting point that will challenge the main character Luke over again. For more info visit: