Second Arc of the Great Circle : Letting Go

Bok av Peter B Cannon
While the First Arc covered ages 21-33, during his search for answers to life, the Second Arc of the Great Circle is about "Letting go" and letting God. This book brings us up to the present, with yacht deliveries out of Fort Lauderdale to Key West and to Lake Michigan. After meeting an instant friend there in Grand Haven, and then flying out to Bellingham WA, he feels led, after a summer of exchanging letters to hitchhike across Canada to see her. There's a life time of adventures there already. But God isn't finished with him yet. There are plenty more to come until he is happily married and raising his family in North Carolina. There thay have lived in the mountains, near the ocean and now on a top secret dirt road in between. This book is dedicated to his friend Frank who he sailed with from Bermuda to Majorca, Spain and back to Grenada. Two months each way as the Lord weaved this whole Great Circle with mercy and grace. Perhaps you will recognize that in your life as you travel with Peter.