New China : Reflections, Analysis and Conclusions of a Layman

Bok av Jim Hammond
One has to marvel at the tremendous material progress of China under the New China concept. The sweeping skyscrapers, the architectural creations of the Olympics and space successes are a wonder to behold! But there are other criteria by which a nation should be judged. Shouldn't the spiritual and political advancement of the people also have equal importance? If the people are kept in "a gilded cage", can that be good even though you fill their belly's and clothe them beautifully? This book is dedicated to stripping away the glitzy exterior and taking a hard look at the sinister interior. President Reagan used the blunt but realistic term "Evil Empire" which is closer to the truth! In this case it is the evil dragon, the Chinese Communist Party, that towers above the law and the Chinese Constitution that is the terrible truth! It has no limits and no purpose in life other than its survival regardless of human cost. In its wake it destroys all human dignity of individual expression in exchange for material wealth. It demands unthinking obedience for the material rewards. But like all Chinese empires in its thousands of years history, a day of retribution will come! When, is anyone's guess, but some factors that foretell its eventual demise is suggested in this book.