Til Death Do Us Part

Bok av Alethea Fells Eddie Fells
Before contemplating marriage, a man must recognize and heed Gods Guidance. Once you commit to what God has ordained, Satan will come with attempts to destroy what God has put together. Be encouraged to know that what does not destroy you will make you stronger. God can and does use every area in our life to grow us up. Our Pastor has taught us the process is much more significant than the product since going through testing enables us to grow. The exerts above are very true. Rick and I have been married for over 9 years. We decided to use our own experiences as a Christian couple to glorify God and show that even in the midst of adversity and testing and trials, with God leading us through the Holy Spirit, marriage can stand the tests of time. Our hope is to encourage a couple that might be ready to throw in the towel and give up on their marriage to lean and depend on Gods Promises and be lead by Him to work through their difficulties. We also pray that we may uplift and encourage those who are single, dating and considering marriage to follow Gods way. Commit to marriage and do not allow outside influences and the world to determine their rules of living.