Christian Fratricide

Bok av Frank S Kacer
"Faith apart from works is dead" - James 2:26 Most Christians know faith brings glory to God when it activates us to do good works, both within the body of Christ and to those that are lost and needy in the world. What most Christians don't realize is that the unbelieving world also understands this. Prevent the good works, and the faith is no longer credible. To do this, those in darkness are willing to use every tool at their disposal to remove any Christian influence that would bring credit upon the Lord and ultimately the gospel of Jesus ChristThe ungodliness polluting our society's fabric hasn't stopped with capturing college campuses, the entertainment industry or the mainstream news media. Its proponents now exercise incredible political power through unceasing, creative and deceitful tactics the Christian community is unable or unwilling to challenge in a united way. Why remove Christian influence from politics? Because our adversaries know if government can co-opt the Christian's Matthew 22:39 and 5:13-16 mandates, then eventually Matthew 28:19-20 will be relegated to the dark corners of a locked closet. In effect: remove the tangible "works" we're called to do and the "faith" is dead. Our generation is witnessing the takeover of government by worldviews that despise our values and our source of hope. Although there are reasons why the nation's largest demographic group has so little influence, there's hope if we stop removing politics from the list of "good works" we're called to do. To help do just that, this book identifies three interrelated problem areas: pastoral leadership, Christian divisiveness, and ineffective political engagement. It then gives practical advice on how to do kingdom work in political minefields for our personal good, the common good and ultimately for the sake of the gospel.