Ironclad Clay : Part One

Bok av J Mark Wright
I guess you're wondering where in the world did you come up with a name like Ironclad Clay? Well about a few years back, one morning as I was getting ready for work. I was praying about what to call this thing that was in my head. The Holy Spirit said very emphatically to me, "This is what I want you to name our book."The Ironclad has to do with our spiritual armor in Ephesians in 6:11-18. We must also have this armor to fight the spiritual battle we are in every day. And the clay is what we are made from in Genesis 2:7. I would like to give you a brief synopsis of the book and the orders of the chapters as the Holy Spirit burdened my heart in the creating of this book. I have at times laughed and called it my "Spiritual Hodgepodge" but God knows what is to be and the order of it all. Just as he does in our lives if we will just trust and obey! Trust him even when we can't see. So here we go! Ironclad Part I is a book that is a spiritually progressive book that is composed of eleven chapters. We used a bit of biblical numerology when we started writing the book. For example, Chapter One is the subject of the number one person in the Bible and that is our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We also use character studies in several of the chapters to convey spiritual truths. Then in chapter 9-11 we start diving in a little deeper with the truths that every Christian will need to have in their hearts to be well grounded in God's word. I hope you enjoy the book and God Bless! Visit us on our website