Historical (Hysterical) Poetic Riddles in Rhythm N' Rhyme ALA Jazz

Bok av Jack Tafoya
The following poetry is a synopsis of my two published books. My research for this book reaches back to a time when world domination by cold white men was in its first planning stages I prophetically called The Ice Plan Code. After years of research, I finally realized The Ice Plan was actually based on "malice aforethought (mal, L. bad ice). " It took me years to recognize how the plan evolved step by step through time into a plot, then to a scheme, to a conspiracy, and finally being 'dictated' by a universal language called English, which people would naturally construe and accept as a "benevolent dictator," but a dictator never-the-less called the Dictionary. Who would imagine that the dictionary could be the instrument (tool), and words would be the weapons to control masses of humanity?