30 Day of Positivity to Last a Lifetime

Bok av Monica Henry-Patrick
The inspirational writings contained within this book offer hope and positive thoughts. Laugh it Up! Do you laugh at yourself when you fall or make a mistake? I was walking in a parking lot while talking to a friend, and I slipped and fell on a half melted piece of thin ice. There was nothing graceful about this fall - I fell backwards, both legs went up in the air, and I hit the ground hard. I was thankful for two things - I wasn't hurt and only one other person saw me fall. Laughter erupted out of nowhere. I started cracking up at myself. My friend said, "Are you all right." I said laughingly, "Yeah, oh my God, that was a hard fall. I'm glad no one else saw me!" I continued laughing uncontrollably. She shook her head and laughed as she said, "Are you all right? You are so crazy. I'm going inside to have someone salt this parking lot." For some reason, whenever I fall down, such as trip on the stairs, stumble or just fall flat on my butt, laughter erupts from my body. If someone is around and witnesses my klutziness, their first response is concern, but once they know I am okay, they feel at ease and join in the feel-good moment. Don't be so uptight or take yourself so seriously that you cannot laugh at yourself. When we have good humor about things, it can lighten a tense moment or allow others to have a new perspective in a sticky situation. Falling is a part of life - we all do it. The important thing to do is get back up and continue being positive. We cannot blame others for our falls or failures. When someone witnesses our falling, they can be inspired by our ability to recover with a good attitude. Laughter and lightheartedness are gifts that should be shared to lighten the moment, put others at ease and make our burdens a little lighter to bear. keywords: Inspiration, Positivity, Self-transformation, Spiritual, Daily, Journal