Nicholas's Amazing Journey

Bok av Kristy Harden
Thanks so much for purchasing this copy of Nicholas's Amazing Journey. I hope that you have enjoyed the book and that it is a blessing to you and your family. For each book purchased, one dollar will be donated to Naomi's Village. Naomi's Village is a children's home in Maai Mahiu, Kenya offering loving care to 60+ orphaned children. Child rescue is critical, but it is only the beginning. Naomi's Village offers holistic care through love, full nutrition, excellent healthcare, spiritual care, trauma counseling, and exposure to the world at large. Naomi's Village actively involves their children in serving the poor to instill empathy and a responsibility to answer the cries of their peers. In addition, Naomi's Village is empowering their children with a 1st world education through Cornerstone Preparatory Academy, a leadership academy founded by Naomi's Village in response to Kenya's education crisis. The vision of Naomi's Village is to see what started at Naomi's Village, multiply into hundreds of similar hope projects across Kenya led by the Naomi's Village children as they reach adulthood. To learn more please visit But Jesus said," Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me; for of such is the kingdom of heaven." Matthew 19:14