A Farmer, His Son and Their Mule : A Teachable Moment

Bok av Joann Frasier Dasent
Have you ever made a decision about something and more than one person decides to give you their advice and things do not turn out the way you expected? That's exactly what happens when the Farmer and his son who are happy about taking their mule to the market to sell for school clothes. They are so excited they sing a song on their way to keep up their morale. One person after the other gives the farmer their opinion on how the farmer and his son should ride the mule. Their song never changes but they try to please everyone who offers them advice. They learn in the end that you can please some of the people some of the time but you can't please all of the people all of the time. PROVERBS 25:11 Like apples of gold in setting of silver is a word spoken in right circumstances. NASB