Not Tonight : A woman's right to say "no" and her struggle to "let go".

Bok av Tony L Bellamy
Domestic violence has an uncanny method of writing its own story. It's reported that one out of every four women will be involved in a domestic dispute during their lifetime. Sandy and Robert Porter's relationship is such story. As an unborn child tethered to their mother's umbilical cord while suckling life's sustaining nutrients, Sandy Porter's toxic relationship with her estranged husband Robert serves as a reminder as how difficult it is to sever ties with the one she trusted most. Every time she attempted to separate from their love life, she'd find herself tightly wrapped in his powerful arms; a place of false security and love enveloping her thoughts. Finding the courage to detach herself from him would prove to be deadly, for whom only time would tell. Robert's favorite quote was, "If I can't have you, nobody else will. Trust me, I'll do anything to keep you from leaving me."