Having Peace in Jesus : Tears of Joy

Bok av Cynthia Ousley-Garey
Perhaps, being happy is everyone's dream. What we believe happiness is may not be happiness at all. We want the fancy cars, the nice house, the big garage, the fancy clothes, the top-of-the-line job, and the spouse who can't do no wrong. These things do not guarantee happiness. We must remind ourselves we are living in a world where things are not going to go our way. And having the good things in life is not promise to any of us. When we live our lives thinking the cares of this world is going to satisfied us and bring us joy because we have the materials things we need while living on this earth, we need to be careful. This can cause frustration in many areas of our life. Why? We believe this is what tears of joy and happiness is made of-gaining materials things. I want you to know that we cannot find happiness in any of those things. However, this is not true happiness and tears of joy in Jesus Christ. This kind of happiness and joy is only temporarily. So if you're looking for a meaningful life and looking in all the wrong places, your life will not be consistent, neither will your joy. You will constantly try to fit in and make things happen for you according to your own standards. Our mind is where all the issues of life flows. Likewise, we must be careful what we believe joy is. Having peace in Jesus is tears of joy when you give your all to him. Example, when you're feeling down, give your all, and when you're feeling defeated, give your all through fasting and prayer. Don't allow eternal happiness to interfere with temporary happiness. We all want to be happy and live happy lives, and yes, we are supposed to. But when happiness and joy comes only through material goods, we are robbing ourselves from eternal happiness and joy in Jesus Christ. God loves you for who you are, not for what you are not and don't have. So don't get sidetracked if you never gain the material things of this world that you want. This world is only temporarily. Eternal life is forever.