Motor Learning : A Review and Directions for Research

Bok av Kathryn Bell
Chapter one by Elad Vashdi focuses on the incorporation and employment of motor learning principles (MLP) in CAS treatment, presenting a new opening for CAS treatment decision-making which may change the way therapists study and practice CAS. This chapter also presents the Verbal Motor Learning method, which is aimed to deal with CAS. Next, chapter two (by David Gonzalez-Tapia, Cohutec Vargas-Genis, and Ignacio Gonzalez-Burgos) discusses a theoretical, methodological and clinical paradigm for motor re-learning and rehabilitation, based on a connection between understanding of the psychobiological fundamentals of neural plasticity and the design of rehabilitation schedules. Finally, Hideki Nakano and Takayuki Kodama explore the three strategies of motor learning and the brain mechanisms believed to underlie each in chapter three.