Managing Implied Information and Connotative Features in Multilingual Human-Computer Interaction : Risk Factors, Management and Prognosis

Bok av Christina K Alexandris
The increasing use of Human Computer Interaction Systems (HCI Systems) globally, as well as multinational research and development (R&D) HCI projects in industry and in online services is related to the creation and development of multilingual applications, including interaction with multilingual online texts and multilingual Dialog Systems. In the present approach, the human factor in multilingual Human-Computer Interaction Systems for the International Public and the related Linguistic and Cultural Aspects are examined in respect to the processing of implied information and connotative features in written and spoken texts. The proposed general framework for the processing of implied information and connotative features is characterized by the reinforced role of the Pragmatic Level. This pragmatic framework concerns a finite set of re-usable, transferable and language independent general specifications determined and defined for information management, dialog structure and prosodic modeling in the linguistic processing modules of Human - Computer Interaction (HCI) Systems for International Users.