Hani and Lani : A Visit to Heaven

Bok av Uluhani Ononui
Where is heaven? Why can?t we see what heaven looks like? Are Grandma and Grandpa there? When and who can go to heaven? These questions were asked by my children. Time passed, and the same questions were asked by their children, my grandchildren. The Bible says, ?In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth? (Gen. 1:1). God created heaven and earth for you and me. It took him six days to create everything upon this earth, and on the seventh day, he rested. Heaven is where God, the Father, and Jesus, his Son, live. In John 14:1?3, Jesus said, ?Let not your heart be troubled; ye believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father?s house are many mansions; If it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.? To answer the questions of my children and grandchildren, I created a short story entitled Hani and Lani: A Trip to Heaven. There are three characters: Hani, Lani, and Uncle Wind. Hani and Lani are twins who love Jesus. They are born-again Christians who dream about heaven and meeting Jesus and their relatives someday. Uncle Wind invites them for a ride, and they accompany him. On their way, they meet all of God?s creations: Grandpa Sun, Mr. Moon, Auntie Cloud, Keiki Clouds, and Cousin Stars. As they travel higher and higher, they see a bright light in the sky. Soon they find themselves standing outside a wide carved pearl gate. Uncle Wind alerts the gatekeeper, and the gate opens. The twins stand in awe as they gaze into a beautiful city. A warm, welcoming spirit captures them, and they become excited when they encountered more supernatural happenings in Uncle Wind?s home. At the end of the story, Uncle Wind confesses, that they have just visited heaven.