Revived from Spiritual Unconsciousness : Facing a Generational Curse

Bok av A Kearney
Because of overwhelming violence in our streets recently, weve began looking more intensely and speaking out against the racism within. Although street violence is nothing new, most who grew up in the seventies, eighties, and even the early nineties know that guns and killing were not an issue because most were taught to value life. Today there are nearly ten times as many black youth being murdered by each other than by police or any another nationality. I agree that police brutality and homicides against African Americans are and have always been serious issues. But in understanding this country, which was formed through racism, and facing the realization that its not going anywhere, we as a people should have progressed to a level of adapting while exceling. Unfortunately, by abandoning the increasing wisdom of our ancestors means to continue flourishing through the generations. Many of our youth are now growing up guided by their emotions rather than instilled wisdom. Emotions only show narrow views, but wisdom gives a wider scope of things leading to a wiser response to the circumstance. Negative emotions leave little to no room for level-headed reasoning. Actions as well as reactions can easily exhibit thoughtless and even hostile acts brought on by negative emotions. Instead of wise decisions aimed toward smothering a fire, negative emotions only add fuel to a fire. Not all police are racist, but the negative mentality of fellow officers can quickly be passed on as they witness whats taking shape in our youth through the never-ending street violence. How can we expect to be taken seriously in any movement against injustice when our young people are constantly killing each other as well as innocent bystanders while showing no remorse? How many times have we witnessed disturbingly violate acts by our youth posted on the internet for the world to see, and the saddest part is, because of lack of guidance and wisdom, our youth see nothing wrong with it, and this is what its come to.