Ensuring Learning Together : August 2012

Bok av Roy Pollock
Learning transfer is obviously something that occurs after training. But learning transfer occurs only when instructional analysis, design, and delivery, follow-through and evaluation all work together to support it. To be considered strategic and effective contributors to the business, learning and development professionals must ensure that learners can answer two key questions: "Am I able to do what they want me to do?" and "What is my incentive to make the (extra) effort to apply a new skill and let go of the old way of doing things?" This Infoline will show you how to use a six-step model to optimize learning transfer by designing programs that ensure the training actually teaches the skills learners need learners have opportunities to use what they learn help is available if it is needed managers are engaged in the process learners see the benefits of doing things a new way rewards, consequences, and systems are aligned to support the new behaviours. Tools and job aids include an action planning worksheet, a checklist to ensure you are on track for each step of the model, and a transfer climate survey that will help you determine the challenges and opportunities in your current environment.