Winged Enchantment Oracle Cards

Bok av Leslie Morrison
Tarot superstar Lisa Hunt has joined forces with Lesley Morrison to merge the human spirit with nature"s winged spirits. Her 39 subtlety dynamic watercolors pay homage to the creatures sometimes referred to as the messengers of God. Whether you use the cards for divination, meditation, or just enjoy the beauty of the paintings, these cards will prove uplifting and inspirational. The companion booklet by Lesley Morrison is beautifully written and explores the metaphor of bird as elevated human spirit poetically but with a clear eye. Each bird represented has it own haiku-like heralding statement ("You are presence. You are survival. You are bold ambition. You are Blue Jay.") From condor to hummingbird, the strength of each unique bird is highlighted in both word and paint. This deck will take you anywhere you are ready to go.