Twenty-Five Doors to Meditation

This is the first-ever guide to provide detailed information about a variety of meditation methods from many of the world's cultivation schools. These methods are designed to help the meditator attain samadhi, the crux of spiritual development. Most masters teach only one or two cultivation methods, however Bodri and Lee include a healthy list of 25 different techniques, including: the Drinking of Life methods practiced by the first Indian Zen master; the White-Boned Skeleton visualization; the bardo yogas and dream yoga practice of Tibetan Tantra; the classical Hatha Yoga method of Pranayama breath cessation; and the "left hand" sexual yoga practices of Taoism. Each cultivation method is explained thoroughly in terms relative to the overall goals of the cultivation paths, and in reference to the terminology of various schools in order to show the interrelationship between the different paths to enlightenment. Buddhist techniques can be explained through Taoist principles, Christian techniques through Hindu principles, and so on. No single book has ever discussed so many techniques, as well as how they fit into the overall stages of the cultivation path. The authors give the scientific basis behind the samadhi techniques, as well as their potentional stages of accomplishment and an extensive list of recommended references. This is an excellent book for individuals who want to find an appropriate meditation technique. Teachers can use it to make sense of the seemingly conflicting information that is present regarding the path to spiritual enlightenment.