Baroque Projections : Images and Texts in Dialogue with the Early Modern Hispanic World

Bok av Frederic Conrod
"Baroque Projections: Images and Texts in Dialogue with the Early Modern Hispanic World" is a collection of articles by prominent scholars, edited by Florida Atlantic University's Frdric Conrod and Michael J. Horswell. The articles include: Gngora in Marienbad: The Pilgrim as Nouveau Romancier/Christopher van Ginhoven Rey; La representacin del mundo: Del globus cruciger a la esfera posmoderna/Patricia Saldarriaga; Vistas comunicntricas: teatro breve y chorographia madrilea en el siglo de oro espaol/Noelia S. Cirnigliaro; Juan de Mariana and the Modern American Politics of Money: Salamanca, Cervantes, Jefferson, and the Austrian School/Eric Clifford Graf; Las posedas: cuadros histricos de la mstica en el imaginario decimonnico/Nuria Godn; El bandolero como alegora re-estructuradora del franquismo en 'Don Juan de Serrallonga' (1949), de Ricardo Gascn/Rom Rofes Herrera; "Will You Deliver Spain from Bondage?": Romancing the Spanish Inquisition in Darren Aronofsky's The Fountain (2006)/Javier Irigoyen-Garca; Screening Quixote: Cervantes and Media Culture/Bruce R. Burningham; Baroque Humor and a Political Future through Illustrations of Sancho Panza and His Donkey/John Beusterien; Recycling the Cervantine Retablo in the 21st Century: The Case of Els Joglars/Carrie L. Ruiz; Jorge Gaggero's Cama adentro: A Projection of Early Modern Masters and Servants/Andrea M. Castelluccio