In the Face of Fear

Bok av Melvin McLeod
Our world is in crisis, and while we can't control the home foreclosures, job losses, dwindling savings, and the other challenges now facing our society, Buddhism teaches us there is one thing we can always control: our own state of mind. How we react to the ups and downs of life makes all the difference, and Buddhism offers a wealth of wisdom and practices to help us maintain a stable, wise, and helpful state of mind no matter what happens. This anthology of teachings by some of the tradition's most respected contemporary teachers applies Buddhist insight and wisdom to what we all experience when our society goes through difficult times. This book will teach you to: remain open, joyful, and caring, even when life is stressful, avoid old behavior patterns that only make things worse, access your own innate confidence and fearlessness, turn difficult times into opportunities for spiritual development, learn why caring for others is the best way to relieve your own suffering, and discover that your true nature is always awake and wise no matter what is happening. In the "Face of Fear" features today's greatest Buddhist teachers and writers - people renowned for addressing precisely the problems we're facing today. Readers of all persuasions will benefit from the practical wisdom of the Dalai Lama, Pema Chodron, Thich Nhat Hanh, Chogyam Trungpa, Jack Kornfield, and many others.