PROFILES IN BARBEQUE SAUCE The Psychedelic Firesign Theatre On Stage - 1967-1972

Bok av The Firesign Theatre
Eugene Ionesco meets Norman Corwin, live from the Colorado Beefsteak Mines. An essential compilation of scripts to old familiar faves, well-traveled bootlegs, and pieces so rare even David forgot about them. Includes "International Youth on Parade", "Temporarily Humboldt County", "W.C. Fields Forever", "38 Cunegonde", "A Shadow Moves Upon a Land", "Freek for a Week", "Profiles in Barbeque Sauce", "Thanksgiving or Pass the Indian Please!", "The Fuse of Doom", "The Count of Monte Cristo", "...nd of the World", "The TV Set", "Mutt 'n' Smutt", "The Dr. Blojob Show", "The Bob Sideburn News", and the complete performance script to "Martian Space Party". In turns hilarious, nightmarish, and breathtaking, this one will be full of surprises for even the most hardcore Firesign fan.