The Greatest Bad Movies of All Time

Bok av Phil Hall
These are the films that inspire wonder-you are left wondering how seeminglyintelligent people could gather together and spend money to create suchbizarre productions. From A-list atrocities to Grade-Z zaniness, 100 of the most wonderfullywarped anti-classics have been gathered together for this celebration ofcinematic kookiness.Relive the jaw-dropping spectacle of John Wayne as Genghis Khan, Halle Berryas Catwoman, Jack Palance as Fidel Castro, and Jerry Lewis as a GoreVidal-inspired extra-terrestrial.Sing along with a naked Anthony Newley, tap your toes to a "PennsylvaniaPolka" dance number in the middle of an unauthorized remake of A StreetcarNamed Desire, watch a suicidal Elizabeth Taylor run amok in Rome andappreciate Coleridge's poetry with topless women.Hook up with Edward D. Wood Jr., Phil Tucker, Tommy Wiseau and their peersin the so-bad-they're-good genre, and marvel at how cinema royalty includingStanley Kubrick, George Cukor, Michelangelo Antonioni and Clint Eastwoodcould conceive celluloid debacles of an unprecedented scale.When it comes to shock and awe, nothing compares to The 100 Greatest BadMovies of All Time.