The Lifeline Trembles
Bok av Mary Kay Rummel
~~ Winner of the 2014 Blue Light Book Award ~~
Mary Kay Rummel is honored to be the first Poet Laureate of Ventura County, CA. The Lifeline Trembles, a co-winner of the 2014 Blue Light Press Award is her seventh book of poetry. Blue Light Press published her previous book, What's Left is the Singing, in 2010. Her work has appeared in numerous regional and national literary journals and anthologies and has received many awards, including four Pushcart nominations. Mary Kay has read in many venues in the US and London, and has been a featured reader at poetry festivals including Ojai and San Luis Obisbo, CA. She often performs poetry with musicians. A professor emerita from the University of Minnesota, Duluth, she and her husband, Conrad, teach part time at California State University, Channel Islands. They live and play with their grand children in California and Minnesota. See and Poet Laureate Ventura County (on facebook).