Story of a Khmer Rouge Holocaust Survivor and the Creation of the Kosol Ouch/David Lowrance Rain Maker Device

Bok av Kosol. Ouch
This book will share the personal story of Rattana Keo Phuong who will share his view and his experience of the Khmer Rouge era. He wishes that the written record in this book be read by all humanity throughout the world so that future generations will never have to repeat the horrors of what his generation, his mother and father's generation and his grand parent's generation experienced. He co-authored this book with me, Kosol Ouch, to save future generations from repeating the past by reading this book as a living record of his experience and horrific journey through the Khmer Rouge era. This book also discusses the Kosol Ouch/David Lowrance RainMaker device invention and use; Joe Cell technology, Magnetic Vortex Generator construction details, ZPE and other coils, Stargate Ascension, weather control, etc.