Pigeon Prayers and Praises : A Collection of Christian Poetry

Bok av Mary Ahlstrom Palmquist
Pigeon Prayers and Praises is a unique collection of Christian poetry by Mary Ahlstrom Palmquist, a former English teacher and egular chapel homilist at Gustavus Adolphus College, St. Peter, Minnesota, during the years she was in their employ. Ordinary domesticated pigeons and fancy show pigeons become the metaphoric voices of Christians carrying the message of salvation and redemption.  They offer the prayers and praises of ordinary people who love and worship God.  They struggle to maintain flight patterns propelling them to their destination, intimacy with a gracious and loving Father.  Worship and prayer are central themes in the 200 poems included in this fascinating collection. Others speak to the condition and longings of the heart.  Trumpeter Pigeons with their odd vocalizations and calls perfectly illustrate the different voices of prayer; Fantail Pigeons are a flashy breed, displaying beauty and grace and training their young to fly; Damascene Pigeons, who look almost blind to the naked eye, are a rare breed, trained for ample flying time (the author describes them as ?new beginning pigeons;? Rock Pigeons are often seen in  rocky fortress-like cliffs; Helmet Pigeons are a metaphor for Christians in spiritual battle; Archangel pigeons are ministering angels; King Pigeons are sacrificed for food;  Pouter Pigeons are puffed up with pride; and Homing Pigeons are obedient birds, always faithful to return to their master.