The Way to the Kingdom : Being Definite and Simple Instructions for Self-Training and Discipline, Enabling the Earnest Disciple to Find the Kingdom of God and his Righteousness.

Bok av Joseph S Benner
An Unabridged Edition, to Include: Seek Ye First the Kingdom - The Light Which Lighteth Every Man - I Am the Way, the Truth and the Life - I Am the Door - I Am the Resurrection and the Life - If Ye Abide in Me! - I Have Chosen You! - I, If I Be Lifted Up - Where Two or Three Are Gathered Together - Except a Man Be Born Again - We Are Come unto Mount Zion - Now Are We Sons of God - As a Man Thinketh in His Heart - Whom the Lord Loveth He Chasteneth - The Impersonal Life - There Am I in the Midst of Them - Jesus, the Christ - Christ, the Logos - Believe That Ye Have Received and Ye Shall Have - The Comforter - Meditation No. 1, I Alone Am, a Prayer - Meditation No. 2, Speaking the Word