Like a Yeti Catching Marmots : A Little Treasury of Tibetan Proverbs

Bok av Śāstrī. Padma-tshe-dbaṅ
The Yeti, or Dremo in Tibetan, is a dim-witted mythical beast said to feed only on marmots. It sees a marmot, grabs the hapless creature, and then sits on it - saving the delicious morsel for later. And then the Yeti sees another marmot and leaps up to snatch it while the first marmot makes a quick break for freedom. An image of bumbling, foolish effort. This enchanting little book contains 108 traditional Tibetan proverbs - conveying the wit and wisdom of one of the world's most unique cultures. The proverbs appear in English and Tibetan script, along with a brief explanation of how and when to use each saying. Often funny and wise, these proverbs always remind us of our experiences in a natural and meaningful way.