Learning for Economic SelfSufficiency

Bok av Mary V Alfred
In a most timely volume addressing many of the connections among current fiscal and employment crises to adult education, Learning for Economic SelfSufficiency highlights the problems and challenges that lowliterate adults encounter in various environments. Moreover, this book presents strategies for addressing the chronic illiteracy among lowincome workers. The power of this volume is that the reader gains a holistic view of the complexities of educating a population of lowliterate adult learners from various life conditions. From language literacy issues in corrections, the workplace and access to higher education, and migrant workers literacy learning barriers, to technology literacies, and consumerism myths, Learning for Economic SelfSufficiency goes far deeper than prior volumes in exploring the complex scope of issues face by lowincome, lowliterate adults as they seek learning for economic selfsufficiency.The overall objective of the book is to help readers explore economic selfsufficiency for low literate and lowincome adults from various contexts and the role of adult and higher education in developing these learners for greater economic independence. Noting that literacy is only a first step to economic, mental, and physical health as well as responsible citizenship, each chapter provide specific case examples and recommendations to educators and trainers of adults for creating learning programs and environments to facilitate the development of a more literate and economically stable population.