Phenomena of the Holy Spirit

Bok av Joan Hart
When Jesus took Joan to the Throne Room or into Heaven for a visit it changed her life forever! In searching for a deeper relationship with the Lord, Joan began to have many divine supernatural encounters. Each chapter written is an individual story about some of those encounters as the awesome power of the Holy Spirit was revealed in a variety of ways. Joan's desire is to whet your appetite for more of Him. She wants you to know how dynamic, powerful and yet loving, the Holy Spirit can be in your life as you hunger for a greater personal relationship with the Lord. Through her intimacy with the Lord Jesus Christ, Joan has had many phenomenal experiences! She also prays the reader will seek the Lord and not the experiences. Joan Hart is a Spirit-filled Christian with a prophetic call who has ministered for over thirty-five years. Her ministry began with a miraculous healing from the Lord. Joan is a licensed and ordained minister of the Gospel and is founder of Hart to Heart Ministries in Portage, Michigan. She also produces a bi-monthly publication, counsels, teaches Bible studies, is a conference speaker and has programs on television and radio. Joan has also written a book, "How to Have Victory Through Prayer."