Handbook for Literary Analysis : How to Evaluate Prose Fiction, Drama, & Poetry

Bok av James P. Stobaugh
Literary analysis is literary criticism. They are the same. What is literary criticism? Literary criticism is talking and writingabout literature. Any literature, at any age. In that sense, literaryanalysis is a critical discussion of literature. To be "e;critical"e; is notnecessarily to be "e;negative."e; It is to be intentional in one's evaluationof literature. Indeed, "e;evaluation"e; is the highest form ofthoughtful analysis. When children read Margaret's Wise Brown's Runaway Bunnyand ask, "e;Do I like this book?"e; and "e;Why?"e; they are, in effect, analyzingthe literary piece. They are doing literary criticism. As theyget more adept, students ask, "e;Who are the central characters? Whatconflict do they face? Where is the climax? Is there a theme?"e; Butfurther sophistication and advanced metacognition in no way diminishesthe intentional, informed opinions of the most unsophisticated,readers. Literary critics, no matter what their age, use a special "e;language"e;to talk about literature. This book is a reference book aboutthat language. For example, in The Runaway Bunny the protagonist (the maincharacter), a little runaway bunny, is pursued by his loving mother,a mother bunny, an important foil (a character who develops themain character). The protagonist experiences several layers of internalconflict as he tries to escape his mother. Along the way, the author,Margaret Wise Brown, uses several setting changes to developher characters. And so forth. Now readers have a way to discuss thisliterary work. Fundamentally, literary criticism, then, will help readers reclaimthe metaphor in their psyche, language, and writing. This will presagelaudable outcomes in the kingdom of God. My goodness, it willpresage laudable outcomes in the kingdom of man!Therefore, amid so many competing media options, readersmust learn to analyze, to evaluate, to appreciate great literature. Thepropagation of the gospel will not be enhanced by how quickly wecan appreciate and text messages to one another; however, it will beenhanced by how well we grasp the critical nuances of Bible stories. We cannot suppose that our unsaved world will grasp concepts like"e;love"e; and "e;faith"e; unless we have words, rhetoric, to tell them whatthese things are. If we learn how to do literary analysis well, we willbe better able to create and to share vital truths to future generations. The Handbook for Literary Analysis: How to Evaluate Prose Fiction,Drama, and Poetry reclaims the metaphor, reclaims rhetoric, reclaimsliterary analysis. It has a high view of the reader, the critic, and thestudent. All three are invited to think critically, to discuss thoroughly,the great literary works of all civilizations. Systematically, thisHandbook defines, explains, and illustrates a wide range of significantliterary terms in fiction, drama, and poetry. Along the way,readers explore copious, inspired examples, including biblical examples. Finally, readers read real literary analytical essays by Americanhigh school students. Caution: these are real, slightly editedversions of my students' essays. They are not perfectly written essays. But they perfect vehicles for learn how to write literary analysis,which, after all, is the laudable purpose of this book. Enjoy!