Visions Dreams and Warnings America in Transition

Bok av Dr Carol Voss
In the Book, Dr. Carol Voss uses the scriptures to compare her personal experiences. She also shares the warnings and visions from a biblical perspective, for those who desire to prepare spiritually as well as economically. God has given her an end time Plan that people may receive and give help and needs will be met on a large scale for the whole family as well and the family pets. She desires to put the CHI Plan in every community in all states. As she shares different subjects in the book, she desires people to come to a mature way of Christian growth. She is in hopes that people will also be saved and changed by the power of God as they read evidence of His reality and love to people. America is in transition and change is coming. Are You Ready? The plan called," Community Hope International" is a plan designed to enable each individual within the community to be a part of giving and receiving. If you can remember the good old days when everyone knew their neighbors and helped one another, this is the pattern. Love your neighbor as yourself as the Lord Jesus would put it. Those who have needs met through CHI, will become a part of a CHI group to be involved in a group of choice to help others with similar needs. Through the CHI plan everyone will be a part of a group within your community, church, business, or service to help in some way, to give back or get involved. This may include a service or just the giving of your time to help someone with a need spiritually, physically, or economically. The assignments for ministry desire to become a part of giving back in some way, has a prepared assignment for all areas written in the Leadership Assignment book. Everyone will work together in each community. People may start out as a volunteer or leader of a group by going to the website. Needs will be met during economic and spiritual famine. To call: Community Hope International Department at: 336-366-3100 To sign up to be a part go to: Workshops to learn the Plan Power point presentations Membership Opportunity CHI plan is revealed through these sources.